Focus your attention now on the constant pulse of the metronome. Memorize its regular pace.  Now focus your attention on the rules.
You are not permitted to speak or to make any contact with one another. If you do, you must go back to your seat and start over. Success is achieved when the entire class makes it to the wall properly. This is not a race or a competition.
All motions must be performed when the metronome clicks. If you step between the clicks, you also must return to your seat and start over. Even if you are on your way to start over, you must get back in sync and step only with the click. Think: “Step on the click!”
While I am reading the rest of the rules, lightly tap your toes inside your shoe silently at the same instant that the metronome is clicking. Keep it up, slow and steady!
All steps that you will take will be at this constant tempo. The only time you are permitted to take a step, is when the metronome clicks. Always remain in step with the constant pace of the metronome. Do not begin walking yet, but please – stand up now and get ready. Keep your toes tapping until it is time to walk.
Remember to step one foot at a time, stay silent, and do not make any contact with one another. I will count to 4 with the clicks on the metronome, and then on the next click, when you would expect to hear number 5, I will say the word – STEP.
When I say – Step, it is the signal for the class to begin its quest to reach the wall at a constant slow tempo together.
When you start stepping, you can stop your toes and just step with the click. 
Here we go!    1         2         3        4        STEP
Keep it up and maintain the tempo. It’s okay if you step out of time. Get back in stride with the click.  Feel the pace and memorize the:
Turn the metronome off and encourage class discussion. Perform the exercise again at different tempi. Achieving complete class success, builds ensemble.
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