Additional mathematical interval proportion study brought about a 12 pitch-step pattern, dividing the frequencies within an octave equally.
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Each one of these 12 equal proportional steps is called a HALF-STEP.
Logically, two half-steps stacked together create a WHOLE-STEP.
In order to designate the increments between letter-named notes, symbols are added before a note to raise or lower its pitch by a half-step.
Naturally, STEPS has more information about these additional symbols.
Please take a look at my eyes.
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These symbols are called NATURALS.
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When notes are simply one of the music note letters
(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), these notes are called NATURALS.
For example: A = A Natural
The interval distances between all of the natural letter-named notes are Whole-Steps,
 EXCEPT for the distances between B – C and E – F.
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