The teacher should guide the class through the exercises by reading the following steps aloud.
STEP ONE: Be Silent
Place your left foot in the top left box and your right foot in the top right box.
Be balanced with a well grounded and poised stance!
Stand up straight with good posture.
Keep your shoulders directly over your feet.
Remain relaxed and focus your eyes straight ahead.
Allow your body to feel like you are lightly floating over your feet.
Your shoulders will make a straight line.
This is called your — SHOULDER HORIZON.
STEP TWO: Remain Silent.
Close your eyes and focus your attention to the contact that your feet are making with the floor.
Sense the floating of your Horizon directly above your feet.
Breathe normally. Stand strong, relaxed and flexible.
Keep your eyes closed and prepare to take a mental note.
Now, register how this relaxed, poised and balanced stance feels.
Focus your attention on this comfortable and confident sensation for 5 seconds. Now open your eyes.
Congratulations! You learned to Ground Your Roots- and also to Register How Something Feels.