Hello again! I’ve returned to teach you about the Divertimento.

In Italian, Divertire means entertain.
Divertimenti (plural) were viewed as popular music in the Classical Period, 1750 – 1820.
Divertimenti are cheerful pieces, most often composed for parties.
Mozart’s Divertimento in C Major’s opening is shown below.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is considered to be one of the greatest musical geniuses of all time. Mozart wrote hundreds of major works, including nearly 50 symphonies, with more of his compositions still being discovered today. Wolfgang is also known for possessing a mischievous personality.
In measures 1 and 2, all instruments immediately establish the Key of C Major by performing the Tonic, Dominant and C Major Arpeggio pitches.

Cellos and Basses share the same staff. Joining with the Violas, Cellos and Basses, help to provide an energetic rhythmic accompaniment.
The Violins perform the melody in measure 3, dolce (sweetly) in 6ths.
Sixths are consonant intervals, which blend well and are pleasing.