Over the next week, our friend Galileo and his father, Vincenzo Galilei, showed us how to read many clefs as we prepared a great concert using our new and beneficial clef and note reading skill!
The Double-Celebration event has arrived! Special guests are members of the Florence Camerata, a highly respected group of creative thinkers, including philosophers, poets, and musicians, thiving on discussing each other’s views in order to further their own innovative intellectual projects.
Count Bardi is a composer, respected scholar, and a generous supporter of the arts. He invited the Florence Camerata to experience new compositions based on the research of the Galilei family.
The concert began with tasty appetizers, accompanied by a father-son lute duet by the two guests of honor, Vincenzo and Galileo. 
We all enjoyed performing the new music, we appreciated the older music that we performed, and we promised to bring our newly acquired, logical clef-knowledge with us to share with our fellow musicians.
I hope you enjoyed the Clef tale! 
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Q, I am sure that everyone is ready now to focus their attention on learning the modern-day clefs that our music uses today. 
Thank you, Scroll! You always help to further my appreciation for music history by making it fun, interesting, and quite exciting!
Without a doubt, if Viol players in 1581 can learn clefs well enough to perform music for the Florence Camerata in the course of a week, then it follows that you will be able to master clef reading skills pretty quickly as well.
Everyone is now ready to learn Clefs and Pitch locations on the staff.
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