There is a reason for the “vivid-visual-display,” on the previous page. My intention is to gain your attention. I calculate that you might be a bit curious and are wondering what is yet to come. Well, please read on.
Certainly, you always will remember —

Earlier, I promised that the names quarter-note and half-note would make a whole lot of sense. Here is the reason why.
Allow me now to officially introduce the most “whole-sum” member of the rhythm notation family. Please welcome the fulfilling and complete-valued,

The Whole-Note has no stem, and is simply a hollow note-head.
Once you understand why a Whole-note is called a Whole-note, you also will almost immediately understand why the stemmed-notes above are appropriately named, quarter-notes and half-notes.
For all of the above notes to make perfect sense, it is time to discover what Common-Time is all about.
Now, pretend you are marching in place.
Let’s count, organize and measure our steps:
1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4
and explore COMMON-TIME!

Meet Cal Universal Language Rhythm Notation Music Staff Origins of the Staff
Rhythm Laboratory Notation Parts Note Heads Stems Beams Flags Note Construction
Common-Time Measures Bar-Lines Counting in Common-Time Whole, Half and Quarter Notes
Ties Dots Time-Signatures Q’s Rhythm Review Time-Signature Rules Beat Accent
Down-Beat and Up-Beat Conducting Patterns Cut-Time Common-Time Beat Emphasis
Three-Beat Measures Note Values Rhythm Workouts The ‘Cycle’ Note Equivalents
Counting Sub-Divisions “If You Can Say It, You Can Play It” Author’s Story Sub-Division Lingo
Quarter Notes with Eight Notes Adding Sixteenth Notes Notes Sharing Beams Beam Awareness Pointers
Triplets Triplet Workout Compound-Time Compound-Time Workout Music Rests
Rest and Note Equivalents Whole Rest Half Rest Quarter Rest Eighth Rest Sixteenth Rest
Dotted Rests Q’s Rest Review Process of Sub-Division Relating Rests to Notes Rhythm Exam Prep
Level 1 Rhythm Exam Level 2 Rhythm Exam Level 3 Rhythm Exam
Rhythm Laboratory Notation Parts Note Heads Stems Beams Flags Note Construction
Common-Time Measures Bar-Lines Counting in Common-Time Whole, Half and Quarter Notes
Ties Dots Time-Signatures Q’s Rhythm Review Time-Signature Rules Beat Accent
Down-Beat and Up-Beat Conducting Patterns Cut-Time Common-Time Beat Emphasis
Three-Beat Measures Note Values Rhythm Workouts The ‘Cycle’ Note Equivalents
Counting Sub-Divisions “If You Can Say It, You Can Play It” Author’s Story Sub-Division Lingo
Quarter Notes with Eight Notes Adding Sixteenth Notes Notes Sharing Beams Beam Awareness Pointers
Triplets Triplet Workout Compound-Time Compound-Time Workout Music Rests
Rest and Note Equivalents Whole Rest Half Rest Quarter Rest Eighth Rest Sixteenth Rest
Dotted Rests Q’s Rest Review Process of Sub-Division Relating Rests to Notes Rhythm Exam Prep
Level 1 Rhythm Exam Level 2 Rhythm Exam Level 3 Rhythm Exam