The Stick Crawl
Increase control and flexibility.
Practice extension and rotation motions.
Learn to feel a loose range of motion and avoid muscle flexing.
Step 1

Rest your right wrist directly on the end of your right kneecap, palm faced up.
Make sure that your hand extends and hangs completely past the edge of your knee.
Feel the weight of your arm supported by your leg and relax all the muscles in your hand.
Step 2
Pick up a stick with your left hand and now place it directly across your palm.
Feel the weight of the stick resting on the base segment of your fingers.
Do not grasp the stick and continue to keep your hand completely relaxed.
Step 3

Slowly extend your thumb and reach for the stick and roll it to your fingertips.
Curve your thumb and stabilize the stick at the location of your fingertips.
Step 4
Use your fingertips and your thumb to move the stick from end to end.
Travel the stick as if your bow-hand is crawling like an inchworm.
Do not allow the stick to leave your fingertips.
Slowly move the stick horizontally. Stay clear of your palm.
Step 5

When you get to the end of the stick, it’s time to change directions.
Thread the stick between individual fingers in order to turn the stick around.
Now, crawl to the other end of the stick.