Archive for music triplet


A triplet displays the number “3.”
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The number “3” is written either within a bracket or simply alone as just the number “3.”
The “3” is written either by the beam or near the note heads.
Below are 4 beats of triplets. They have one beam, so they are called Eighth-Note Triplets. Try the examples of how to count them.
Once you gain more experience with triplets, you will learn to feel the “groove” of their rhythmic motion.
Groove means the feel of the cycles of patterns.
Listen to Triplets
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Triplets are notes that fill 1/3 of a beat. Most often, a beat is divided into two equal parts, called duple time.
Duple means two parts. Eighth notes and sixteenth notes are made up of units of two parts to fill beats, so they are duple.
Triplets are utilized when a composer wishes to fill a unit of time by grouping 3 notes evenly within one beat.
Triplets can occur within other beat combinations too, but for now, let’s learn the basic TRIPLET.
Each individual triplet note fills 1/3 of one quarter note beat.
The three notes of the triplet are played evenly in the time of one quarter note.
Triplets are indicated by placing the number 3 near the beam. Most often there is also a bracket, which helps bring visual attention to the notes, however the bracket is optional.
Triplets can be counted as TRI-PO-LET.
Any 3 syllable combination can help you determine 3 equal sub-divisions within a beat.
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To make it easier to perform triplets evenly, you can think:
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