Teacher Resources
Developing a thriving orchestra program requires vision and planning.
The driving force behind a successful string orchestra program is an enthusiastic and well organized teacher. (That’s you!)

At times, artists have been perceived as being “nutty professors.”
(Quest faculty characters could certainly make a strong case for this.)
When it comes to performance, nutty professors may be allowed creative liberties, but must never be scattered or disorganized when managing the business of running an orchestra. True maestros are excellent time managers, who inspire productive collaborations by working a positive plan.
It is fair to state, that music itself is left up to much artistic interpretation. However, it is essential that all particulars are well thought out ahead of time. The realities of running a productive program present challenges.
All education activities face fiscal challenges in order to make them successful. String orchestra directors must find creative solutions to meet and overcome these fiscal challenges. The following sections cover the nuts and bolts of program management, in the classroom and behind the scenes.
Topics that need to be addressed before students begin include:
Instrument inventory, current class enrollment rosters planning, rehearsal schedules, concert planning, music library management, music stands, concert technical requirements, printing costs, additional equipment needs and expenses, all of which require time, energy and adequate funding.
All of this may feel overwhelming, but with a well organized plan and dedicated perseverance, successful programs are attainable. Positive results are achieved by directing a rewarding collective endeavor. Involvement is Key!
The following pages offer guidelines and ideas that will help to trigger your best and most organized maestro performances in class, on stage and most importantly, behind the scenes.