Accelerando is the most commonly utilized tempo adjuster and means to speed up the tempo. To accelerate anything is to make it go faster. You can accelerate your string playing mastery with focused practice. Accelerando is abbreviated accel.
Stringendo literally means tightening and is an instruction to press the tempo forward. Believe it or not there is even a tempo adjuster that asks the musician to perform double-time!
Doppio Movimento (translates to double movement) means to double the tempo.Meno Mosso, (translates to less motion) means to slow down in order to reach a slower speed, and then to continue at this new slower tempo.
L’istesso Tempo is placed in the music during a transition, (segue), from one music section to the next. L’istesso Tempo means to remain at the same tempo, even though there may be other changes to the music.A Tempo is placed in the music after an instruction and it means to return to the original tempo. The most common use of A Tempo is after Ritardando.