Music Theory is the organized study of pitch-step ratios. 
Notes that share the same letter name are related as follows:
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Remember, Violin and Viola open A-strings vibrate at 440 Hz. Cello open A-strings vibrate twice as slowly at the rate of 220 Hz, and sound one octave lower that the violin and viola open A-string. Bass open A-strings vibrate at 55-Hz and sounds two octaves lower than the cello open A-String. This is the reason A’s in all registers sound similar. Pitches labeled with letter-names are called notes.

Click to hear A = 440 Hz

A note’s primary frequency is called the fundamental, and this predominant vibration rate determines the note’s letter name. As part of the note’s resonance, additional frequencies vibrate along with the fundamental, and these extra sounds are called overtones
Octaves share many common overtones that vibrate sympathetically.
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Pitches that are one octave apart have a frequency ratio of 2:1. 
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