Pythagoras, being a skilled lyre player, taught that the orderly relationship of whole numbers helped to explain interval proportions. By comparing strings of different lengths and degrees of tension, Pythagoras discovered that when the difference between a string’s length, or tension, resulted in a whole number, the intervals were pleasing in sound.

As you know, thousands of years of experimentation have brought about many theories and important discoveries. You may have heard that music and math are related. They are!
Strings have been used as mathematic measurement tools for centuries.
The ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras (c. 570 BC – c. 495 BC) was one of the most famous mathematicians of all time. He always sought out numerical explanations, striving to understand the order of nature. In Geometry, his theory regarding the sides of triangles is quite popular.
An Octave has a 2:1 frequency ratio.
Through further exploration with string length and tension, Pythagoras learned that the ratio of 3:2 resulted in a 5-step pitch difference, called the perfect fifth. The ratio difference of 4:3 resulted in a 4-step pitch interval, called a perfect fourth.
For thousands of years, mathematicians have explored frequency relationships and have varied theories about interval proportions.