Additional mathematical interval proportion study brought about a 12 pitch-step pattern, dividing the frequencies within an octave equally.

Each one of these 12 equal proportional steps is called a HALF-STEP.
Logically, two half-steps stacked together create a WHOLE-STEP.
In order to designate the increments between letter-named notes, symbols are added before a note to raise or lower its pitch by a half-step.
Naturally, STEPS has more information about these additional symbols.
Please take a look at my eyes.

These symbols are called NATURALS.

When notes are simply one of the music note letters
(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), these notes are called NATURALS.
For example: A = A Natural
The interval distances between all of the natural letter-named notes are Whole-Steps,
EXCEPT for the distances between B – C and E – F.