Balance is when there is an equal distribution of weight, and is also called “reaching a state of equilibrium.”
We all need mental equilibrium and good judgment in order to become mature, well balanced individuals, and in turn skilled string players. Balance also has other definitions. Tires need to be balanced so that a car can handle the road and move smoothly. In mathematics and accounting, the balance is what remains at the completion of a transaction.
Balance is also a term used when referring to the adjustment of volume settings that make individual instruments louder and softer, thereby achieving balance in the complete orchestra texture.
Control and direction of your strength and its influence, are the tools that are used in order to bring about a state of balance in any given situation. In reference to your instrument position set-up, always balance your instrument comfortably.
Always be steady and balanced in your actions.
When your instrument set-up is balanced well, you will make steady and efficient progress.

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Potential and Kinetic Energy The R’s of Remembering Practice Purpose Music Staff Evolution
Music Clef Origins Scroll History Peg Information Bowed String Instrument History
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