Now it’s time to learn the details!
Teachers: Please demonstrate the song and lead the class in singing an enthusiastic and spirited rendition. In the interest of fun, after everyone learns the song, you may wish to have each section of the orchestra overlap the melody, sing it as a round. This fun activity serves to bring about the camaraderie needed for successful orchestra team skills!
Use the words above with the “Row Your Boat” Melody.
Embrace the Bass!

Leverage Step Exercise Crossing Guard Exercise Grounding Your Roots Exercise Balancing Your Branches Exercise
Violin Playing-Position Viola Playing-Position Cello Playing-Position Bass Playing-Position
Chin-Rest Information Shoulder-Rest Information End-Pin Information Rock-Stop Information
Violin Position Song Viola Position Song Cello Position Song Bass Position Song
Warp to Playing-Position Exam Warp to Pizzicato Worlds
Violin Playing-Position Viola Playing-Position Cello Playing-Position Bass Playing-Position
Chin-Rest Information Shoulder-Rest Information End-Pin Information Rock-Stop Information
Violin Position Song Viola Position Song Cello Position Song Bass Position Song
Warp to Playing-Position Exam Warp to Pizzicato Worlds