Left Thumb Logic
Excellent D major scale training exercise work!
As you know, I usually make an appearance reminding you about the importance of:
Performance Leverage.
Dedicating focused attention to the role of your left thumb, in relation to anchoring the hand and supporting performance motions, make you a well-leveraged player.
The fundamental purpose of the instrument-position set-up exercises was to help you develop natural performance comfort. Remember the practice tutorial — Sound Answers? You may wish to re-read the section but for now, let’s focus on the main topic of the tutorial.
Question: How do we find successful answers and creative solutions to the physical challenges of string playing?
The primary purpose of the thumb is to center the hand logically. Locating the proper thumb contact on the neck of the instrument that works for you, requires intelligent planning and discovery.
As you practice, remember that your left-hand is in a state of controlled motion. Thumbs are unique to each individual. Remember to utilize the logical application of the physical laws you studied earlier, as you practice and discover your own most natural thumb placement.
With most playing technique topics, there are varied opinions about the specific placement and mechanics of the left thumb. String players have experimented with the topic for centuries.
Q has returned and will teach you about Left Thumb Location.

Answer: Doing things in natural and logical ways.
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