Left Thumb Flexible Location

Never squeeze the instrument’s neck with your thumb!
Remember, the instrument’s neck is a neck, not a handle! Depending on the length and shape of your thumb and the thickness of the instrument’s neck, the pin-point location of the thumb varies from person to person. Here is some handy advice:
The thumb serves to support the state of motion created by the actions your fingers perform. Creating different pitches at all regions on the strings requires thumb flexibility and mobility.
Most string players are successful when playing with a loose straight thumb, where the pad of the thumb’s tip segment makes gentle contact with the instrument’s neck.
Focus on finding the thumb placement that works well for you!

Violin and Viola: In 1st position, your left thumb is placed on the left side of the instrument’s neck and slightly under the neck. The left thumb is placed opposite your index-finger or slightly more towards the center of your hand.
Cello and Bass: The left thumb is placed under the instrument’s neck, opposite your center-finger and varies location in order to increase finger mechanic leverage.
Always practice with the goal of securing a flexible, tactile sensation to your thumb mechanics.
In playing position, the tip of the thumb does not wrap over the fingerboard.
Keeping your thumb muscles relaxed, makes it possible to have increased control of your finger mechanics.

D Major Home Instrument Tapes Finger Mechanics Finger Numbering Finger Dexterity Finger Position
Finger Intensity Hand Position Principles Hand Position Rhymes Space at the Base Swell the Well Swing the Wing
Hand Position Set-Up Violin Notes on D Viola Notes on D Cello Notes on D Bass Notes on D Violin Notes on A
Viola Notes on A Cello Notes on A Meet Guide Bass Notes on G D Major Training Exercises The Lower-Tetrachord
The Major Second The Major Third The Perfect Fourth The Upper-Tetrachord The Perfect Fifth The Major Sixth
The Major Seventh The Perfect Octave The Complete D Major Scale Left Thumb Logic Left Thumb Flexible Location
Knuckle Leverage D Major Etudes Arpeggio Patterns D Major Mastery Checkpoint Extending the Instrument’s Range
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Viola Notes on C Cello Notes on C Violin Notes on E Third Position Principles Violin Third Position on E
Third Position Measurement Differences D Major Harmony Interval Categories Orchestra Harmony in D Major
Preparing for Orchestra Pieces Divisi Protocol Orchestra Chord Textures Ensemble Engine Technique Building
Practice Coins Violin Technique Builder Viola Technique Builder Cello Technique Builder Bass Technique Builder
Dynamic March Theme and Variations Bowing Dynamics Dynamic March Performance Details Linked Bowing Exercise
Off-Beats Exercise Neighbor Notes Complete Dynamic March Composition Score and Parts
Finger Intensity Hand Position Principles Hand Position Rhymes Space at the Base Swell the Well Swing the Wing
Hand Position Set-Up Violin Notes on D Viola Notes on D Cello Notes on D Bass Notes on D Violin Notes on A
Viola Notes on A Cello Notes on A Meet Guide Bass Notes on G D Major Training Exercises The Lower-Tetrachord
The Major Second The Major Third The Perfect Fourth The Upper-Tetrachord The Perfect Fifth The Major Sixth
The Major Seventh The Perfect Octave The Complete D Major Scale Left Thumb Logic Left Thumb Flexible Location
Knuckle Leverage D Major Etudes Arpeggio Patterns D Major Mastery Checkpoint Extending the Instrument’s Range
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Viola Notes on C Cello Notes on C Violin Notes on E Third Position Principles Violin Third Position on E
Third Position Measurement Differences D Major Harmony Interval Categories Orchestra Harmony in D Major
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