A Grand Finale
is the culmination of a composition.
The Grand Finale consists of continuous sixteenth note rhythm, which gives the piece its big finish.
Dynamic March Grand Finale returns to the original tempo, called Tempo Primo or Tempo 1. (Quarter note = 120 BPM)
Quick and repetitive bow motions are performed with clarity at the balance point, between the lower and middle bow-segments.
When performing repetitive sixteenth notes, place a small accent on the first sixteenth note of each beat, which creates beat pattern units that serve to punctuate the beat.
The Grand Finale begins pianissimo, so remember to perform at the fingerboard lane on the string. Utilize very small bow strokes, and play lightly. Each restatement of the theme increases in dynamic, which means to bring the bow incrementally closer to the bridge and apply more weight into your bowing motions.
As the dynamic reaches fortissimo, continue to emphasize the beat and allow the bow to spring slightly off the string, spiccato.
Remember to keep your right wrist flexible and to perform precise sixteenth note sub-divisions.
Performing continuous motion requires players to keep muscles relaxed, and retain strong control of the bow.
Please enjoy the Dynamic March Grand Finale.

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Dynamic March Theme and Variations Bowing Dynamics Dynamic March Performance Details Linked Bowing Exercise
Off-Beats Exercise Neighbor Notes Complete Dynamic March Composition Score and Parts