Pizzicato Follow-Through Motion
Pizzicato Fingertip Angled Release Adds Warmth to the Tone.
Always Allow the
Adding an angled motion to your pizzicato position allows the string to vibrate more freely and increases the depth and resonance of your tone.

It is helpful to first place your fingertip on the string, then perform the pizzicato motion, then release your fingertip from the string with an angled position, moving away from the bridge.
Hi, Q! As promised, I have returned and my goal is to reinforce the physical laws that everyone learned earlier.
The “follow-through” motion is a perfect example of energy in motion.

Hi, Scroll!
Potential Energy exists when placing the fingertip on the string.
Kinetic Energy is when you engage the string and perform the pizzicato motion.
Follow-through motions increase the “ring of the string,” which is the basis of its Sound Production.